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Any articles concerning meringutangs and the like will be published here
We publish these articles for two reasons. One, no one else will. Secondly, when public awareness arises, people will know how to handle koala bears; by running away.

Another Petting Zoo Accident.
Just as Hal realized the danger he was in, the koala attacked. Hal lost his life in the accident. Thanks to the brave camera man, Susan survived; only losing her right arm.
  New work at University of Science and Ecology in Talsa Panama in testing
Scientists in Talsa Panama are experimenting with the first stage in an antidote which could rehabilitate meringutangs that were turned into stone. If the formula works, all kinds of insight could be found from the meringutangs of old. Maybe even a way of creating defensive sheilds against being turned into a statue. The antidote will begin testing sunday in Tumaco, Columbia.

Koalas can read minds
In a recent study it was discovered that koalas can monitor your thoughts. While they are fooling you, they can see just how fooled you are. Once You are good and fooled, Wa-POW!! There goes your legs. Try running away now fancy pants.

How to avoid a koala attack
Don't go anywhere near them you idiot! Think of them as a grizzly or kodiak. Once you've learned an appropriate level of fear and respect, you will be sure and stay clear of them.

If by some stroke of luck, you see a koala that hasn't seen you, this is what you should do:
1) observe the koala and make sure he hasn't seen you.
2) don't waste time looking for other koalas in the area, they are extremely viscious and often fight amongst themselves, so there is no need to fear being teamed up on.
3) build a koala trap
4) trap the koala

This is one of my favorite images
Joe and Harry celebrate the victory over a koala bear. They've spent every waking moment tracking the koala after it paralyzed Harry 4 years ago. Finally it has been captured and killed. This is a glorious day for mankind.

As you can see, koalas can't even get along with each other. I love to see stuff like this.

Before the CIA backed out of the fight, 52.48% of their budget went towards the war on koalas!