Crescent Sites
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Crescent Sites


Extremely crescent websites
These sites are all crescent. As your attorney, I advise you to visit each and every one of them.

Banana One of the coolest thing on the internet. Gets a 10.
Spot something or other Apparently, one of my readers complained to the designer of this site for calling a koala a marsupial. Other than the few errors concerning koalas and the many spelling errors, this site is pretty good... sorta. It does mention cereal, so I'll give it 2 more points than it deserves. He loses points for going to RPI and his final score is a 1. A website Johnny and Sally set up to honor their status: white people that are liked by black people. I gave it a 6 because it deserves an 6.
Real Ultimate Power!!! This site is totally awesome. It's all about totally sweet ninjas that flip out and kill people. Definately deserves a 10.
Optical Illusions I hate the site this came from, but these illusions are simply the best. I give the illusions a 9, the site a 2, and you a 10 for being at my site to begin with.
Drivers License Search Believe it or not, this site has every single drivers license in it's database. Look up yours, with a good printer you can make yourself seem 21. For that reason alone, I give this site a 21. "It's Dot Com" It gets a 10 no questions asked.
W.A.N.G. The World Activist Non-Visor Group web page. It had the potential to be very crescent, but like most great ideas, drowned in a cesspool of non-motivation. I give it a 7 just because of the monkey.
The Koala Conspiracy As it turns out, there's another site about koalas. I give it a 4 just because I can.
Hyakugojyuuichi No explanation available... or necessary.